
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Victoria's Secret Pink deal

If you aren't a member of Victoria's Secret Pink Nation yet, I encourage you to join! For signing up, you receive a FREE travel beauty bag with lip gloss, body wash, body lotion, and body spray. Plus you get a coupon for $10 off a $35 purchase!

They are currently running a deal for Pink Nation members - 10 pair of underwear for $25! That is just $2.50 per pair! This deal ends on Monday. If you want to purchase online, be sure to use Ebates for 2% cash back!


  1. Love the new blog! The layout is super cute. Can I share it with others?

  2. Great blog Jenny! I am much more likely to use your tips when I can click them online than you telling me over the phone. The pink underwear is in store purchase only, too.

  3. Thanks, Brooke! Yes, pass it on! Jill - you can get this deal online using the code 10PANTIES at checkout.
